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The leading Polish poet still residing in his native land, Zbigniew Herbert has not been the subject of a book-length study in English until now. Stanislaw Baranczak, himself a poet, critic, and trans...
The leading Polish poet still residing in his native land, Zbigniew Herbert has not been the subject of a book-length study in English until now. Stanislaw Baranczak, himself a poet, critic, and trans...
A group of friends take up the challenge of roughing it in the mountains of South East Poland. Up against nature, they hope to break the monotony of their everyday lives and rediscover their childhood...
"I have no hesitation whatsoever in stating that Czaslaw Milosz is one of the greatest poets of our time, perhaps the greatest. Even if one strips his poems of the stylistic magnificence of his native...
BILINGUAL EDITION "Szymborska is, like so many Eastern European writers, an ironist. She writes, especially in her later years, a plain, almost bony verse, and she can stand for the survival, not j...
Zagadnienia: Pranie brudnych pieniedzy Jak bank na nas donosi Jak dyskretnie operowac pieniedzmi Jak zagospodarowac gotowke Jak walczyc z IRS Jak uchronic przed podatkami pobory, zyski z ...
Słownik ten zawiera 5000 czasownikowych wyrazeń. Przedstawia gramatyczne przykłady poprawnego uzywania tych zwrotow. Dodatkowo wzbogacony o zwroty biznesowe i komputerowe.
Ilustrowany i łatwy w uzyciu Longman Basic Dictionary Of American English jest idealnym słownikiem dla osob rozpoczynajacych naukę języka angielskiego.Zawiera ponad 10 000 słow i wyrazeń oraz 200 ilu...
Słownik skonstruowany dla studentow, ktorzy potrzebuja szybkiej i łatwej informacji. Zawiera ponad 28 000 słow i wyrazeń. Proste definicje napisane przy uzyciu Longman American Defining Vocabulary.Dod...